Brag Sheets
- Caroline DiCicco - Everett - TLI 2021
I am currently serving as the President Elect of the MAEA (Massachusetts Art Education Association) and will take over as President in January 2023.
Subsequent to my participation in the TLI, Springfield, through hard work and negotiation, was able to obtain contract language for counselors, City Connects, and Psychologists. We celebrate all victories in Springfield and we will be back fighting for more. Also, I became the newly elected President of the SEA!!!! Yippee
As a result of participating in the TLI program, I was invited to apply to become a reviewer for the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation. I also received an invitation to apply to become a NEA Virtual Coach for Early Career Learning Lab. These opportunities would not have been realized if I did not participate in the TLI program.
- I am one of the founders of ALANA – shorthand for African, Latino, Asian and Native American - educators. Nine Springfield educators formed the core of ALANA which has been impacting institutional structures and building systemic sustainability in the Springfield Educators Association and the MTA. Organizer for the statewide ALANA gathering at MTA’s Summer Conference
- MTA Human Civil Rights - Louise Gaskins Civil Rights Award recipient 2019
- I was featured in the NEA – Newsletter as a Social Justice activist Massachusetts Initiative Prioritizes Hiring Teachers of Color
- Explore and collaborate with the Environment Health and Safety: Study and Impact of Racism on Ethnic Educators Health and Retention.
- A. Murph-Brown,, (413) 374-6258
My experience with the Teacher Leadership Institute was an excellent one. In addition to adding some great future leaders to my network, I was able to help my district to become more active and present in their union with regard to communication and connectivity. Prior to the work I created for my capstone, the Executive Committee had no way to communicate with members other than by flyers or emails through district-created and overseen domain accounts. This was not at all ideal for sensitive and private communications. My capstone work began with creating a survey to gather personal (non-district) contact info and then to create an account for the President with an address book with all the member contact info. I then built a website for the district and connected it to the MTA site and NEA site. I also opened social media accounts so that the President could put out info in a variety of ways so that everyone in the district could have equal access, regardless of the tools they use. I was thrilled to offer my tech abilities as a way to help my union grow. It was an experience that I'll treasure. It also introduced me, via the award ceremony at Annual Meeting, to enough people to allow me to be elected as a delegate for the NEA-RA in Minneapolis this July. I am beyond excited to be working with the union on a national level. As a teacher in my fourth year, it seems like a dream to be this connected. I can't thank my mentors in this process enough. Gary Gilardi, Mary Chamberlain, and Linda Davin - you guys rock.
My TLI experience has been professionally significant as it has provided me with tools to effectively grow as a teacher-leader. When I began the program, I had the drive and commitment to be a leader, but I lacked the insight to do so in a meaningful way. TLI provided that insight and allowed me to gain skills much more effectively than if I had done so on my own. Over the past eighteen months, I have made connections, been appointed as our New Teacher Liaison, established a New Member Committee, and have begun to implement a New Member Program during the 2018-2019 school year. TLI is a demanding program that I recommend to anyone who is hoping to grow as a teacher-leader. I owe a great deal to TLI and I look forward to continuing my growth as a teacher-leader.
I just returned from presenting at our E-Board meeting on what the New Member Committee has been up to this year. I thought this would be a good time to write to and thank the TLI Leadership Team for their support throughout the TLI process. I know our capstone could serve as a starting point and for me it certainly was. I look now, just a few months later, and I am light years ahead of where I left off with my capstone. We have designed an entirely new “New Member Program” and I can't wait to get it going.
The TLI Leadership Team gave me the necessary tools to realize my potential as a teacher-leader. TLI has brought me so much further ahead over this past year than I would have been able to do on my own. All the components of the program came together in a way that added such depth to my knowledge of what it is to lead and create change.
I want to reiterate how grateful I am to you all for the energy you have put into this program. I feel it is tremendously important and if you need anything from me in the future please do not hesitate to ask. - ANN DAVIS-ALLAN, MARBLEHEAD – TLI 2017
I thoroughly enjoyed all stages of the TLI experience. My biggest take-away was the on-line and statewide meetings where you could engage with other teachers and learn about a wide range of interests and perspectives. The personnel and on-line coaches were great!
- Alice Yabe – Haverhill – Pilot Year 3
PAUL BILODEAU/Staff photo Ian Bushnell uses a brush to glaze a handmade bowl during Alice Yabe's pottery class at Haverhill High School. The bowls are being made as part of the "Empty Bowl" project to help fight hunger.10/4/16 "This year we hit the ground running as ceramics students were introduced to the making of soup bowls as their first project," Yabe said.
More than 100 students were involved in creating the bowls, including senior Christine Ortega.
"While I was making the bowls, I felt happy that someone would buy a bowl in order to support the Emmaus House," Ortega said. "Mrs. Yabe taught us about what the Emmaus House does and I now look forward to volunteering there."
"It was cool to see how we could be using our art, not just for ourselves, but for a greatercause," said senior Jenna Solimine.
Senior Olivia Doherty commented that, "I always feel more motivated to learn something new when I know there’s a purpose behind the assignment."
"It intrigued me that we were able to learn about ceramics and have fun making the bowls while simultaneously raising money to give to the Emmaus House," senior Rosy Morales said. "Even though I played only a small part in creating these bowls, it’s good to know that what I have created can help out those in need."
A portion of the soup will be made by culinary arts students in Beth Tilden’s and Sarah Gleason’s culinary arts classes making this a truly interdisciplinary undertaking, Yabe said.
Music teacher Joseph Gori secured some of the school's best talent to serenade guests both vocally and instrumentally.
Gretchen Arntz, director of philanthropy at Emmaus, hopes that the community will come out to support this event.
"Emmaus is very grateful for the many contributions that we receive from Haverhill High School,"said Arntz. "We encourage everyone to attend the upcoming Empty Bowls fundraiser sponsored by the Art Department. It's a great opportunity for the community to come together, celebrate the talent of Haverhill High School's art faculty and students, and support a great cause."
Tickets will be available at the door and in advance at Haverhill Teacher’s Credit Union (CityHall), or by contacting Margot Regan at Emmaus at or 978-241-3425.Please make checks payable to Haverhill High School and write “Empty Bowls” in the subject line.
- What: Empty Bowls fundraiser for Emmaus Inc.
- When: Thursday, Oct. 27 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
- Where: Haverhill High School, 137 Monument St. in the atrium outside of the auditorium
- Suggested donation: $10 for a ceramic bowl and soup
- Maureen Devlin – Wayland – Pilot Year 3
NEA is expanding their facilitated, Professional Practice Groups on NEA edCommunities. Online facilitators work virtually with educators from other states and are responsible for managing a national content specific group. Of the 320 applications, most of them were from educators who have worked with other state, local and national association projects including TLI and BetterLessons.
The following educators from your state have been verified as members and tentatively selected to serve in this position: Maureen Devlin, Distributed Leadership, Wayland.
Thank you for your continued support of the expansion of NEA edCommunities.
Segun C. Eubanks, Ed.D.
Director, Professional Educator Support
National Education Association
(202) 822-7339 - office - Jeffrey Bartlett – Danvers – Pilot Year 3
Registration for Edcamp Danvers on Saturday, December 3rd is open!
Do you want to experience professional development that is developed by teachers,for teachers? Then register for Edcamp Danvers!
Edcamps are "unconference" style, participant-driven professional learning experiences.Attendees create the schedule and decide what they want to learn and discuss.
The strength of an edcamp is in its participants: the more the merrier!
The Massachusetts Teachers Association is our gold level sponsor (lunch is on them!) and we have giveaways to raffle off from companies that (so far) include BrainPop, SimpleK12,Kahoot!, IPEVO, DoInk, Nearpod, and Pear Deck.
Not sure what an "edcamp" is? This 76 second video captures its essence better than I can articulate in words:
Here's a summary of what an edcamp is:
- Edcamps are FREE (with lunch provided!) and open to all educators, from anywhere
- Organic, teacher led professional development
- A form of professional development that fits your own needs
- An opportunity to interact with and learn from other passionate educators, from all subjectareas and levels
Please check out these links for more information:
- Registration can be done here:
- Edcamp Danvers Website:
- Edcamp Danvers Twitter:
- David Moore - Arlington - TLI Pilot Year 3
One of My AP Art & Design Students was selected for the AP Chief Readers Digital Art Exhibit 2022: one out of 25 selected from 61,000 AP Exam entries worldwide.
I was commissioned by the owners of Wayfair to create a large abstract painting for their Cape Cod House (2021 Flight 60 x 60 in Oil on Linen.
I designed the Digital Photo Lab for our new Arlington High School Building.
And my current new work "Greile" series - 2022 Gouache on Paper 26 x 26 in.
- Sarah Floyd – Barnstable – Pilot Year 2
“Had I not applied to TLI, my career may have not moved to the place it is today!"
Since being a part of TLI Pilot Year 2, many doors have opened for me. TLI inspired me to go back to school and earn my CAGS in Educational Leadership. I am ¾’s of the way through with my coursework. I obtained my administrators (principal/assistant principal) license and am thrilled to announce that I’ve accepted a new job in the Bourne Public Schools as an Elementary Learning Coach.
Also, because of TLI's work through MTA and NEA, I was informed of an opportunity to work asa consultant for Ed Reports and was hired by them to be an ELA Program Reviewer.
I can't thank MTA, NEA and the TLI experience enough!!!
I look forward to more professional learning opportunities in the future!!!
- Wendi Cantoreggi – Millis – Pilot Year 2
I can honestly say that my TLI experience really gave me the confidence to pursue other opportunities in the world of education! In no particular order, these are the "doors" that have opened for me as a result If TLI:
- Attended my very first MTA annual meeting as a delegate.
- I was a teacher representative on an Ed committee to help advise Representative Jeffery Roy about PARCC and standardized tests prior to the vote.
- I attended my first hearing at the State house with MTA members and testified (submitted my written testimony).
- I am currently serving on the Teacher's Advisory Committee (TAC) for DESE for my second year. Last year, I was in the working group for "What makes effective feedback from administrators?" This year my working group is focused on "What makes an effective educator prep program in MA?"
- I applied to be an online coach for new teachers through an email I received from NEA(application process just closed so haven't heard yet)
- I am a member of a DESE project: "Writing Standards in Action" and we are building a website with student writing samples from grades K-12 for teachers and parents and anyone else in the State who wants to see what standards embedded in writing look like.
Thanks for the amazing experience through TLI!!
- Susan Barry – Norwood – Pilot Year 2
Through my TLI leadership experience, I have had the opportunity to train new teachers at the MTA conference for the past 2 years.
TLI has given me confidence to pursue grant opportunities to enhance technology in the classroom, blended learning and supporting girls in engineering and technology.
I have discovered a new talent for grant writing!
- Laurie Wasserman – Medford – Pilot Year 1
- Co-Facilitated an NEA webinar for early career teachers on Teacher Evaluation 101 (October, 2016).
- Wrote a blog and was videotaped on tips for early career teachers for NEA (September, 2016-will be on their site shortly).
- Member of the NEA Teacher Alumni Academy in August, 2016.
- Participated in the NEA Advancing the Profession: Examining the Outcomes of the TLI event on November 1st and 2nd, 2015.
- Participated in the NEA clinical faculty training curriculum in August, 2014 (I helped created a curriculum for cooperating teachers who supervise student teachers).
- Dan Monahan – Cambridge – Pilot Year 1
Through TLI, I was able to convince the district to allow educators to have a choice in their required after school hours/professional development in Cambridge.
Educators can now choose a course for 10 of their 35 hours of time each year. Cambridge has developed an online catalog and an approval process for educators to design their own courses.
We are continuing to work on feedback systems to improve the quality of the PD offerings, as well as aligning the focus of the courses with the district goals and plans.
I was elected president of the Cambridge Educators Association in March, 2016. I used many of the leadership skills I developed in TLI to run a comprehensive campaign to secure a solid victory. The campaign has laid the groundwork for me to work towards strengthening the adult professional culture in Cambridge.
- Linda Hanson – Arlington – Pilot Year 1
My name is Linda Hanson, and I am a K-5 District Literacy Coach in Arlington, Massachusetts. I participated in the inaugural pilot of the Teacher Leadership Initiative (TLI) project three years ago. It has changed the trajectory of my career in so many positive ways. I want to share a few examples in the hope that it will encourage others to get involved with teacher leadership.
My TLI experience was the first of many steps that propelled me into my current passion for teacher leadership.
Since participating in the TLI pilot three years ago, I have continued to be involved in advancing my own leadership capacity, and supporting others on this journey. I am currently co-teaching a graduate level course on teacher leadership with Teachers21 for twelve teacher leaders and aspiring teacher leaders in Arlington. The course is called, “Supporting Instruction”. The course provides specific and targeted training for teachers to help them develop their skill set to feel confident and competent in leading their colleagues. The course includes a curriculum that supports teachers in their efforts to facilitate growth-oriented dialogue about instruction, expand their colleagues' instructional resources and routines, and lead effective professional learning experiences.
In an effort to fund this work, I wrote and successfully secured a $27,000 grant from our local education foundation - Arlington Education Foundation. The grant will support our work around advancing the cause of teacher leadership at the elementary level in Arlington by funding:
- Stipends for Literacy Leaders to host teachers in their classrooms on a weekly basis during the school day for specific units of study
- The participation of 12 teachers in the Supporting Instruction course
- The purchase of three additional Swivl video devices that allow teachers to videotape and share their instructional practice with their peers
- The participation of teachers at professional development conferences that support instructional leadership competencies
I am impressed by the spirit and motivation of the teachers in the Instructional Leadership course. They inspire me with their creativity, their love of learning, and their willingness to stepout in front of their colleagues and engage them in professional learning.
Thanks to the National Education Association, the Center for Teaching Quality, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, and the Massachusetts Teachers Association for supporting the TLI program. It truly was a transformative experience for me. I am convinced now more than ever, that teacher leadership is the only way to develop the types of educational policies and practices that will transform the teaching profession.
Feel free to contact me if you are interested in talking further about teacher-led professional development:
- Nancy Barile – Revere – Pilot Year 1
Transforming the Educational Experience of Young Men of Color
When I was nominated for the Varkey Global Teacher Prize, I used TLI in my application. I was one of 50 Finalists for the Prize and now work as a Varkey Teacher Ambassador:
TLI brought me in contact with the Center for Teaching Quality which opened up 3 writing opportunities for me:
My own blog with CTQ:
A blog with the Huffington Post:
And several Education Week articles:
I also got to present an Ed Talk at the MTA Summer Conference:
Teach Children Well:
I was asked to write a book based on one of the Ed week articles, and I am in the process of doing that. None of it would've happened without TLI!
Hi Gary,
It's funny you emailed because I was just thinking the other day..."had I not applied to TLI my career may have not moved into the place it is today!" Since being a part of TLI-Cohort 2 a lot of doors have opened for me. It inspired me to go back to get my CAGS in Educational Leadership and I am 3/4 of the way done with my coursework. I obtained my administrators(principal/assistant principal) license. I also accepted a new job in the Bourne Public Schools asan elementary learning coach. Also, because of TLI's work through MTA and NEA, I was informed of an opportunity to work as a consultant for Ed Reports and was hired by them to be an ELA program reviewer. I can't thank you and the TLI experience enough!!! I look forward to more professional learning opportunities in the future!!! Hope you are doing well!!
Path to possibility
by Michele Lippens, Cambridge MA Teacher Leadership Institute Alumna
Michele, special education teacher, in her leadership story shares how applying for a grant to get some much-needed equipment for her students, led her into leadership. She shared recently that her leadership has continued to expand as a direct result of sharing her TLI story.